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When having multiple projects and versions installed, you don't want to remember which version you are using for which purpose (for example a client). For this we created the alias command, which allows naming versions in a way that you can remember.

Create alias

You can create an alias by using the alias command and passing a name and target Terraform version.

tfversion alias default 1.7.4`
tfversion alias my-client 1.2.3

Use alias

You can activate the Terraform version behind an alias by calling use with an alias instead of a version number.

tfversion use my-client

Remove alias

Once you're done with a project and no longer need the alias you can remove it using the unalias command.

tfversion unalias my-client


tfversion does not check if an alias to a version exists when uninstalling. Uninstalling a version with active aliases will cause that alias to break as well.